Step 1: Install Mongo DB and Robomongo
Step 2: To run Mongo DB use following steps.
using System ;
using System. Windows. Forms;
using MongoDB. Bson;
using MongoDB. Driver;
using System. Linq;
using MongoDB. Driver. Linq;
using System. Collections. Generic;
using MongoDB. Driver. Builders;
using MongoDB. Driver. GridFS;
namespace WinAppWithMongo
public partial class Form1 : Form
const string connectionString = "mongodb : //localhost : 27017";
public Form1( )
fnbindGrid ( );
private void fnbindGrid ( )
var client = new MongoClient( connectionString );
MongoServer server = client. GetServer( );
server . Connect( );
MongoDatabase database = server. GetDatabase( "WISH");
MongoCollection <Employee> collection = database. GetCollection<Employee>("Employee");
MongoCursor <Employee> members = collection. FindAll( );
foreach (Employee item in members)
server . Disconnect( );
private void btnAdd_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)
var client = new MongoClient( connectionString );
MongoServer server = client. GetServer( );
server . Connect( );
MongoDatabase database = server. GetDatabase( "WISH");
MongoCollection <Employee> collection = database. GetCollection<Employee>("Employee");
if (! string. IsNullOrEmpty( txtEmpId . Text))
var user = new Employee
EmpId = Convert.ToInt32( txtEmpId . Text),
FName = txtFirstName . Text,
LName = txtLastName . Text,
collection . Insert( user);
server . Disconnect( );
fnbindGrid ( );
private void btnUpdate_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)
var client = new MongoClient( connectionString );
MongoServer server = client. GetServer( );
server . Connect( );
MongoDatabase database = server. GetDatabase( "WISH");
MongoCollection <Employee> collection = database. GetCollection<Employee>("Employee");
if (! string. IsNullOrEmpty( txtEmpId . Text))
var query = Query. EQ( "EmpId", Convert.ToInt32( txtEmpId . Text));
var update = Update<Employee>.
collection . Update( query, update);
server . Disconnect( );
fnbindGrid ( );
class Employee
public ObjectId id { get; set; }
public int EmpId { get; set; }
public string FName { get; set; }
public string LName { get; set; }
private void txtEmpId_TextChanged( object sender, EventArgs e)
var client = new MongoClient( connectionString );
MongoServer server = client. GetServer( );
server . Connect( );
MongoDatabase database = server. GetDatabase( "WISH");
MongoCollection <Employee> collection = database. GetCollection<Employee>("Employee");
MongoCursor <Employee> members = collection. Find( query_id);
foreach (Employee item in members)
if (emp . Count > 0)
txtEmpId . Text = emp [ 0]. EmpId. ToString( );
txtFirstName . Text = emp [ 0]. FName;
txtLastName . Text = emp [ 0]. LName;
txtFirstName . Text = "";
txtLastName . Text = "";
server . Disconnect( );
fnbindGrid ( );
private void btnDelete_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)
var client = new MongoClient( connectionString );
MongoServer server = client. GetServer( );
server . Connect( );
MongoDatabase database = server. GetDatabase( "WISH");
MongoCollection <Employee> collection = database. GetCollection<Employee>("Employee");
if (! string. IsNullOrEmpty( txtEmpId . Text))
var query = Query. EQ( "EmpId", Convert.ToInt32( txtEmpId . Text));
collection . Remove( query);
server . Disconnect( );
fnbindGrid ( );
Step 2: To run Mongo DB use following steps.
- Open command promp
t Administrator)( - Go to MongoDb/Bin folder.
Run this code 'and mongod --dbpath C:\mongodb\data --port 27017'
- When 27017 is allotted to
mongodb it shows like this.
- Now open your
robomongo and create new connections withmongodb by filling information.follwing - Click on Create link you will get a popup of "Connection setting"
- And fill Address and port as an example given
on the image. - To test
onconnection click given ontest button .popup
Step 3: After starting MongoDB database, create a window application 'WinAppWithMongo' to connect your application with MongoDB.
Add following Package from NuGet Package.
these dll . If they are not working.
Add following Package from NuGet Package.
MongoDB . BsonMongoDB . DriverMongoDb . Driver. CoreMongoDB . Driver. GridFSMongocsharpdriver
InitializeComponent( );
// Binding records in grid .
// Create a MongoClient object by using the connection string
//Use the MongoClient to access the server
// Use the server to access the 'test' database
//Builds new Collection if 'entities' is not found
List<Employee> emp = new List<Employee>();
emp.Add(new Employee() { EmpId = item.EmpId, FName = item.FName, LName = item.LName });
dataGridView1.DataSource = emp . ToList( );
dataGridView1.Columns[ "id"]. Visible = false;
// Add employees record
// Create a MongoClient object by using the connection string
//Use the MongoClient to access the server
// Use the server to access the 'test' database
//Builds new Collection if 'entities' is not found
// Update employees record by EmpId
Set( p => p. FName, txtFirstName . Text).
Set( p => p. LName, txtLastName . Text);
//Select employees record by EmpId
var query_id = Query.EQ("EmpId", Int32.Parse(txtEmpId.Text));
List<Employee> emp = new List<Employee>();
emp.Add(new Employee() { EmpId = item.EmpId, FName = item.FName, LName = item.LName });
//Delete employees record by EmpId
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