A. Create the Window Application
STEP 1: In Visual Studio, create a new Windows application and design the form like this.
This Windows application is created for updating employee profile pic.
It get and save employee image, though Api.
STEP 2: Install the Web API Client Libraries
Use NuGet Package Manager to install the Web API Client Libraries package.
Tools=> NuGet Package Manager=>Manage NuGet Package Manager Solution..
STEP 3: Search and install following package.
Install-Package Microsoft. Asp Net.
STEP 4: Paste the following code.
Image img1 =
pictureBox1.Image = img1;
OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog
openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:\\";
openFileDialog1.Filter = "Images (*
openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2;
openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true;
// Insert code to read the stream here.
Image img1 =
pictureBox1.Image = img1;
--------------------------------End Of Window Application -------------------------------------------------
Note: your Windows application completed here. Now Create WebApi through which you sendimage in byte[ ]
using System ;
using System. Collections. Generic;
using System. Linq;
using System.Net;
using System. Net. Http;
using System. Web. Http;
using System. Xml;
using System. IO;
using System. Text;
using System. Data;
using Logic. DataLayer;
using System. Data. SqlClient;
using System. Drawing;
using System. Web;
namespace ImageWebApi. Controllers
public class EmployeeController : ApiController
string Path = @"D:\Projects\Dev\ImageWebApi\EmpPic\";
[System. Web. Http. AcceptVerbs( "GET", "POST")]
[System. Web. Http. HttpPost]
public byte[ ] GetEmployeeImage( string EmployeeNo)
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream( );
SQLobj = new SQL( );
DataSet ds = new DataSet( );
obj.AddParameter("@EmployeeNo", DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input, 0, EmployeeNo);
ds = obj . ExecuteDataSet( "p_GetEmployeeimage");
if (ds ! = null && ds . Tables. Count > 0 && ds . Tables[ 0]. Rows. Count > 0)
string path = Path + Convert. ToString( ds . Tables[ 0]. Rows[ 0] ["PicturePath"]);
if (File. Exists( path))
ImageimageIn = Image. FromFile( path);
imageIn . Save( ms, System. Drawing. Imaging. ImageFormat. Jpeg );
Path = @"D:\Projects\Dev\ImageWebApi\Images\no_image.png";
ImageimageIn = Image. FromFile( Path);
imageIn . Save( ms, System. Drawing. Imaging. ImageFormat. Jpeg );
string Path = @"D:\Projects\Dev\ImageWebApi\Images\no_image.png";
ImageimageIn = Image. FromFile( Path);
imageIn . Save( ms, System. Drawing. Imaging. ImageFormat. Jpeg );
catch (Exception s)
{ throw (s); }
return ms. ToArray( );
private void SaveFileOnDisk( MemoryStream ms, string EmployeeNo)
SQLobj = new SQL( );
obj.AddParameter("@EmployeeNo", DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input, 0, EmployeeNo);
DataTabledt = obj . ExecuteDataSet( "p_getEmployeeID"). Tables[ 0];
if (dt . Rows. Count > 0)
int Employeeid = Convert.ToInt32( dt . Rows[ 0] ["EmployeeID"]);
using (var original = Image. FromStream( ms))
original . Save( Path + "\\" + Employeeid + ". jpg ");
UpEmployeeImage ( Employeeid);
catch (Exception ex)
//lblMsg . Text = "Please try again later.";
private int UpEmployeeImage( int EmployeeID)
SQLobj = new SQL( );
int temp;
obj.AddParameter("@EmployeeID", DbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.Input, 0, EmployeeID);
temp = obj . ExecuteNonQuery( "[p_UpEmployeeimage]");
catch (Exception s)
{ throw (s); }
return temp;
public class Param
public byte[ ] EmpPic { get; set; }
public int EmpId { get; set; }
[HttpPost ]
public bool SaveEmployeeImage( Param ms)
SQLobj = new SQL( );
DataSet ds = new DataSet( );
MemoryStream ms1 = new MemoryStream( ms. EmpPic);
SaveFileOnDisk ( ms1, ms. EmpId. ToString( ));
catch (Exception s)
{ throw (s); }
return true;
using System ;
using System. Collections. Generic;
using System. Linq;
using System. Text;
using System. Data. SqlClient;
using System. Data. Common;
using System. Data;
using System. Configuration;
using System. ComponentModel;
using System. Reflection;
using Logic. DataLayer;
namespace Logic. DataLayer
public class SQL : IDisposable
SqlCommand cmd = null;
SqlConnection sqlCon = null;
string sqlSTR = ConfigurationManager . ConnectionStrings[ "sqlCon "]. ConnectionString;
public SQL( )
InitialzeConnection ( );
private void InitialzeConnection( )
if (sqlCon == null)
sqlCon = new SqlConnection( sqlSTR );
if (sqlCon . State ! = ConnectionState. Closed)
sqlCon . Close( );
sqlCon . Open( );
cmd = new SqlCommand( );
cmd . Connection = sqlCon ;
public void Dispose( )
sqlCon . Dispose( );
cmd . Dispose( );
public void AddParameter( string pName , DbType type, ParameterDirection direction, int size, object value)
DbParameter p = new SqlParameter( );
p . DbType = type;
p . ParameterName = pName ;
p . Direction = direction;
p . Size = size;
p . Value = value;
cmd . Parameters. Add( p);
public DataSet ExecuteDataSet( string pName )
SetCMDName ( pName );
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter( );
da . SelectCommand = cmd ;
DataSet ds = new DataSet( );
da . Fill( ds );
OutputParameters ( );
Dispose( );
return ds ;
DbParameter[ ] param = null;
public DbParameter[ ] OutParams
get { return param; }
private DbParameter[ ] OutputParameters ( )
param = new DbParameter[ cmd . Parameters. Count];
int i = 0;
foreach (DbParameter dp in cmd . Parameters)
if (dp . Direction == ParameterDirection. Output)
param [ i ] = dp ;
} i++;
return param ;
private void SetCMDName( string pName )
cmd . CommandText = pName ;
cmd . CommandType = CommandType. StoredProcedure ;
Note: your Windows application completed here. Now Create WebApi through which you send
B. Create new project in MVC and name it 'ImageWebApi'. Following is the detail of the project.
STEP 2: Employee Controller C# code, copy and page to your controller.
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream
obj.AddParameter("@EmployeeNo", DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input, 0, EmployeeNo);
Path = @"D:\Projects\Dev\ImageWebApi\Images\no_image.png";
obj.AddParameter("@EmployeeNo", DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input, 0, EmployeeNo);
obj.AddParameter("@EmployeeID", DbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.Input, 0, EmployeeID);
MemoryStream ms1 = new MemoryStream
--------------------------End of Employee Controller Class----------------------------------------
STEP 3: This class is used to connect SQL Server so, you can create your own class or directly write connection in employee controller only. This is your choice. For help I put code of SQL class.
SqlCommand cmd = null;
SqlConnection sqlCon = null;
} i++;
-----------------------------------------End SQL Class---------------------------------------------
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